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Waking Giants - Don’t waste time on a business Coach!

  Find a partner that will tell you what you need to hear to make progress.

When you have a business plan, your family has praised your courage and you have made a little money, why the hell would you need a business coach that plugs you into a ‘foolproof’ system?

The short answer is you don’t. The reality of business is that most don’t want to feel alone. Making all the decisions, doing all the hours, and sacrificing family and friends. You can be as clever as you want with your business strategy, but the most valuable growth area is to reduce your isolationshare your fears and be kinder to yourself.

The goal of starting or being in business is not to give up the things you love, but to do more of them. What you need is to be challenged to find your way back to what’s most important, to you.

The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again because there is no effort without error and shortcomings.

Business coaching starts with you.

Your business is an entity, but you are a person. Spreadsheets and P&Ls cannot inspire us, but something deeper moves us. Yes, it needs to get us out of bed in the morning, but it also has to define how we lead our business. The values we live by, our work, and the people we serve. If any of these are not aligned, your role as a leader will be consumed by challenges.

The source of your energy in business is the reason to do it in the first place. You’re why, your vision, and the journey you go on to get there. A business will always be hard, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t enjoy the process.

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