What are Fat Dissolving Injections?

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections are used to ‘dissolve’ stubborn pockets of fat which remain resistant to diet or exercise. The Aqualyx® Fat Dissolving treatment is suitable for tackling areas around the face and the body.

Aqualyx Fat Dissolving Injections are a non-surgical treatment that is administered by a fine and flexible cannula. Fat Dissolving Injections reduce localised fat under the skin. 

Fat Dissolving Injections, London, Canary Wharf, Mill Hill, London, Weight Loss

What does the Fat Dissolving Injections procedure involve?

Aqualyx is based on a formulation containing deoxycholic acid which the body naturally produces to liquefy the fat in the gut, destroys them permanently and releases lipids which are then expelled by the body through the lymphatic drainage system.

This is not a weight loss treatment or an alternative to diet and exercise; but Aqualyx injections are very helpful in refining body shape by tackling those areas that are stubborn. The body is designed to store fat and it can be difficult to reduce this fat through other means such as diet and training. Fat Dissolving Injections are a great way to reduce fat in stubborn areas.

What does the Fat Dissolving Injections procedure involve?

Using thin ndeedle Aqualyx is injected directly into the fat tissue through multiple superficial injections. The treatment is mildly uncomfortable and Aqualyx is mixed with a small amount of local anaesthetic to reduce the discomfort. After the treatment minor bruising and swelling may develop, these are expected side effects that settle within a couple of days after the treatment.

How long does it take Fat Dissolving Injections to work?

Fat Dissolving Injections take six weeks to see the final results, after inital treatment the area will swell with water which is forced into the fat cells causing them to burst. These burst cells are the drained away and excreted over the next six weeks. 

Results will be seen after just one treatment (as since in the befor and after picture). However, for areas with a high fat content it is recommended to take a course of treatment. A course of 3-5 treatments on the body and 1-3 on the face is usually advised for the best results. These treatments should be four to six weeks apart and each treatment session takes around half an hour to complete.

What Should I do after treatment?

Do not apply any cosmetics onto the treated areas within a 12 hour period and avoid all direct sources of heat and radiation (sunlights, UV-radiation, sauna etc.). You should abstain from particularly demanding physical exercise involving the treated areas for 7 days.

How safe are Fat Dissolving Injections?

As Fat Dissolving Injections are a non-surgical treatment, they are very safe and side effects are extremely rare. 

Patients may experience: Swelling, minor bruising and tenderness, mild pain Itchiness, redness,  initial numbness. All these side effects would subside within a week

Should I just diet and exercise instead of having Fat Dissolving Injections?

Of course, a balance diet and regular exercise is always recommended. However, regular exercise and a balanced diet may not be enough to get the streamlined physique that is desired by many of our patients. This can be down to genetic reasons and you may just find it difficult to reduce fat in certain areas of the body.

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